Chlorine Tab NST® Prime CalHypo Poolife® - 9lb (PICK UP ONLY!)


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Product Overview

poolife® NST® Prime Tablets (for skimmer use)

NST® is an alternative to 3" tablets and does not contain cyanuric acid. Perfect for use in a skimmer, this product will destroy bacteria and organic contaminants without over-stabilizing your pool water or adding additional cyanuric acid to your water. Each long-lasting tablet will continuously sanitize your pool in the skimmer for up to one week! This product is an innovative, propritory technology that provides long-lasting, slow-dissolving chlorination sanitization level.

Useful Tips:

  • Use only in pools with a skimmer and skimmer basket. Skimmer basket must be free of all other water treatment products before adding this product.
  • Place the tablet(s) in the empty skimmer basket. Replace with a new tablet as needed.
  • For optimum product performance, swimmer comfort and crystal clear water, always maintain pH from 7.2 - 7.6, total alkalinity from 60-120 ppm, calcium hardness above 200 ppm and free available chlorine residual between 1-4 ppm.
  • Best used with poolife® Algae Ban II algaecide and poolife® Quick Swim Oxidizer. 
  • Compatible with chlorine, salt chlorine generators, ozone and mineral systems.

poolife® NST® Tablets (NST® FEEDER use)

These slow-dissolve calhypo tablets were specifically formulated for use in the poolife® NST® Tablet Feeder. They contain a stain and scale inhibitor and are packaged in modular pails for easy identification at shelf. Just like the NST® skimmer-fed tablets, these will destroy bacteria and organic contaminants without overstabilizing the pool or adding additional cyanuric acid.

Useful Tips:

  • NST® Feeder is for residential pools only up to 50,000 gallons
  • Follow poolife® NST® Feeder operating manual for specific tablet use
  • Do not mix these tablets with any other chlorine sanitizer product

Ask your professional poolife® Dealer about the NST® Tablets Feeder specifically for use with these tablets


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